We would like to recognize the support of these fine businesses who believe in community and sponsor our efforts. Give them thanks for us, if and when you can.
Leading Sponsor
Leading sponsorship position for all events for a full year includes:
Personal thanks and recognition from the stage at the start of each event.
Logo inclusion in regular, year-round eblasts (nearly 10,000 subscribers; generally one email per week.
Sponsorship signage at The Word Barn.
Logo on flyers, posters, and street signage.
Logo displayed on website.
Prominent logo placement on all event tickets
Social media recognition.
10 complimentary tickets—event(s) of choice w/standard pricing.
Premium reserved parking at all events.
Underwriter Sponsor
Underwriter sponsorship position for all events for a full year includes:
Personal thanks and recognition from the stage at the start of each event.
Logo inclusion in regular, year-round eblasts (nearly 10,000 subscribers; generally one email per week).
Logo on flyers, posters, and street signage.
Logo placement on all event tickets.
Logo displayed on website.
Single Event Sponsor
Single event sponsorship includes:
Sponsored by billing & recognition on promo materials like:
Social media posts
Website event page
Sponsorship signage/banner in The Word Barn during event.
6 complimentary tickets, with reserved seat selection.
Personal thanks and recognition from the stage at the start of the event.

Become a Member
In response to this challenging time, AND frequent calls for a Word Barn membership program, we created this Patreon page to help us weather this storm, get to the other side, and continue to create opportunities to gather around the arts and community.
Your help provides both financial support and a means to keep us all positive, share music, writing, and fellowship.
Our Patreon account costs a small amount ($5 / $10 / $20/month), but adds up BIG for supporting our efforts. It also comes with a ticket discount code equal to your membership fee, so it’s a wash when you come to our events, and helps keep us around when you can’t!
By joining The Word Barn family, you'll enjoy a variety of perks like early ticket access to major shows, priority placement on our waiting list, and best of all, monthly ticket discount codes that can be used against any ticket purchases in the full amount of your monthly pledge! A win-win for everyone!
Thank you for your wonderful support, and for being part of the family.
Barn Club
Four $5 ticket coupons per month.
Jar of Word Barn honey (every October).
Premium concert waiting list placement.
Our gratitude.
Silo Crew
Two $5 ticket coupons per month.
Our gratitude.
Oxen Team
Monthly $5 ticket coupon.
Our gratitude.
Make a Donation
Make a pledge of support to The Word Barn and their efforts to build community, and continue to offer a gathering space that is open and welcome to all.