Come and enjoy the chance to exchange work with writers; give & receive feedback; use a writing prompt to get your creative juices flowing.
This ongoing writing workshop is led by The Word Barn owner and host of The Silo Series, Sarah Anderson (and occasional guest writers) and held 6:30 - 8:30pm on the first Monday of every month in the intimate and welcoming Word Barn space.
Take advantage of this time to hone your creative writing skills, exchange ideas with other writers, and be inspired.
Writers of all genres welcome. Registration required, space limited.
Sarah Anderson is the author of We Hold On To What We Can (Loom Press, 2021). She holds an MFA in poetry from the Warren Wilson Program for Writers. When she is not at her full-time job of teaching high school English and serving as the Chair of the English Department at Berwick Academy, she and her husband operate The Word Barn in Exeter, NH, a gathering space for literary and musical events, where she runs a reading series (The Silo Series) as well as various creative writing workshops. Her poems have appeared in various journals, including December Magazine, Raleigh Review, and North American Review.